Teach me to be Beautiful – Be Happy

Beautiful Teach, Be Happy Teach Being beautiful is not only being pretty and perfect in your eyes and in the eyes of others. The word beauty can be a feeling of being happy inside. Have you ever asked yourself “How to Be Happy”? Let’s not talk about beauty tips, but rather let us discuss the beauty that resides in our heart – Happiness.
To be happy means to be able to acknowledge and thanked the great things you have. True happiness is something that can be kept further. Winning in a lottery signals great happiness, but one should also consider the aftermath after winning. Thus, be thankful of what you have right now and be optimistic to be successful in anything that you do showcase great and everlasting happiness. 
What decisions have you made that made you feel happy? What made you unhappy and regretful? The person’s decision in life has a great impact on your happiness. In making decisions always remember the three C’s - choices, chances, and changes. It is good to weigh things and decisions, but it also great to trust your guts and instincts. If you feel that you would be happy with the path, then go for it. There is no such wrong thing in making the bad decision. The good value with that is that you have learned to move on and try the other luck next time. Choose what makes you happy, and you’ll gain happiness forever.
Satisfying human’s basic needs – food, shelter, and clothing makes you happy. It is not the worth of the money that counts, but it is the satisfaction to achieve those basic needs. Yes, comfort makes one happy, but it is not an everlasting happiness. Pushing one’s comfort beyond the zone means giving chances for personal growth.
It is a fact that financial stability keeps one happy. Sometimes, people are optimistic enough to earn more by relocating. However, this signals being away from home – away from your family and friends. We battle from being away from home, and there is no such amount of money that will compensate the loss of being away from our love ones. It is of great happiness if we are satisfied with the jobs we have while being close to our family- a lasting happiness, indeed.
Being with people means happiness, but you can add that happiness by making a constant communication and talk with them. Communication is a factual truth in relieving stress and depression. Find the feeling of satisfaction and happiness in the job you have. Smile all the time! This is a simple thing that you can do to gain happiness. Even if you are sad, you can smile and this will elevate your feeling. Smiling and being optimistic is indeed true happiness.
