Advantages of Latest Beauty Tips for Every Womans

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Being beautiful is something that we can be proud of. This is because beauty signals advantages. What are they? Let’s discuss each of the advantages in every aspect of the person’s personality and life. In social settings (based on studies), being beautiful is linked to being honest, intelligent, creative, busy, successful, friendly, and more positive attributes. While being lazy, unfriendly, boring, unintelligent, and so forth are attributes of being unattractive. We can further understand these negative and positive attributes in the aspect of work, childhood, relationships, court, and the media. 

In childhood, attractive children are given more attention, care, smiles, and touches. There is a study that showed that less attractive children in the supermarket are unlikely to be placed in a trolley than attractive ones. With the study, it represents that unattractive children held great maladjustment to society as they grow older.

At work, beautiful individuals are most likely to get the job, and that they get higher salaries. When submitting work, unattractive individuals need to pursue more to a higher level to be praise. But I really find this study unsubstantial with facts. This could apply to some, but more likely attractiveness nowadays is no longer a mere factor in getting a good job. Hard work, perseverance, and positive outlook in life signals success no matter what you are (attractive or unattractive).
In relationship, attractive people are more likely to marry earlier; they date more often, and marry successful partners (either men or women).
In media, movies that have tailored talents of beautiful actress or actors get more fans compared to unattractive ones. Like for example, the lead character possesses good look and masculinity compared to the extras that are unattractive, thin, and stunt.
In court, there are some scenarios where the attractive individual gets to be the victim far being the suspect of the crime (unattractive one). How do we combat this physical discrimination? With the aforementioned statements, it should not lessen the confidence and self-esteem of unattractive individuals. Unattractive individuals still holds the most important aspect of being beautiful, and that is the inner personal attitudes. No one is perfect, we still have some flaws, but we should also have some good things hidden within us. These good things that we have should be showcase, and not hidden. Our goodness in life should not be spoiled out by the word “beauty”. We should learn to be contented of what we have. Find ways to combat the flaws, and encouraged and willed our talents and skills.
The important thing about beauty is the beauty within us – good attitudes, respect to others, and humility. I would rather be ugly and carry positive attitudes than to be beautiful but with unlovable and caring heart.
